NSCHC Leaders Prepare for Strategic Planning

In preparation for NSCHC's long-range Strategic Planning in March 2024, the NSCHC Leadership Team partnered with C.E.co Coaching to enhance our understanding of a High-Performing Team mindset. Cyrus Erickson, Principal of C.E.co Coaching, guided the directors through a process of confirming shared Team values, including Respect, Trust, Excellence, and Accountability. With thought-provoking questions, the team recognized and celebrated key team successes and outcomes.

Acknowledging past achievements shifted the Leadership team towards a more future-focused mindset, spurred by explorative 'What if...' questions. Session feedback from NSCHC leaders included remarks such as 'Good introspective conversation,' 'Really enlightening,' 'Motivational because it encourages the team to strive for excellence,' 'Self-reflecting,' and 'Uplifting.'

As North Side Christian Health Center advances toward Strategic Planning sessions, we appreciate the expertise provided by Cyrus and the valuable insights gained, setting our sights on NSCHC's promising future.

Cyndy Tabor