What you should know about coronavirus
What is the coronavirus and how is it spread?
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19), commonly referred to as “coronavirus,” is a respiratory illness caused by a virus first identified in Wuhan, China. The virus is thought to spread from person-to-person via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, much like a cold or flu.
Is anyone at higher risk of getting a serious case of coronavirus?
Older people and people with severe chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease, should take special precautions like limiting exposure to crowds.
How do I avoid getting sick?
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid close contact with those who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces like door knobs, cell phones and keyboards. Stay home when you are sick except to get medical care.
What symptoms will I have if I’m infected?
Most seem to experience a mild to severe respiratory illness, not unlike a cold. Common signs and symptoms of coronavirus include fever and symptoms of a lower respiratory illness like coughing or shortness of breath. It is possible for it to turn into pneumonia.
What do I do if I have those symptoms?
If your symptoms are not severe, stay home rather than go to the doctor’s office and risk spreading the virus to other people. If you are showing any of the symptoms, do not go to work and don’t travel. Instead, call ahead to your doctor’s office before you make an appointment to report:
Your symptoms
Recent travels
Possible exposures
If you develop symptoms while at work, tell your manager and any HR representative immediately, then leave work if you are able and can travel safely without infecting others. Call your doctor as soon as possible.
Should I wear a mask?
Masks can help stop the spread of infection if a sick person wears it by containing respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
What is social distancing?
According to the Allegheny County Health Department, social distancing is recommended to slow down the spread of contagious diseases like coronavirus (COVID-19). Social distancing means creating physical space between people. Avoiding things like mass gatherings and large groups of people can help limit the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing can also mean closing buildings and canceling events. Doing these things has proven effective in prior pandemics at delaying rates of transmission and reducing illness and death.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends maintaining about 6 feet from others during this time. Not shaking hands and practicing proper hand hygiene are also really important steps to help stop the spread of the virus. Learn more ways to protect yourself and others against the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).