Information for Patients
Appointments are required to see the doctor
Call 412-321-4001 to make an appointment.
Plan to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to ensure you are ready to see the provider at your scheduled time.
Bring your insurance card (or proof of income), ID, co-pay, and medications.
If you are late your appointment may be rescheduled.
No-Show / Late Arrival Appointment Policy
As a valued patient, your appointments are important opportunities for us to provide the care you need. We understand that situations may arise preventing you from attending as planned. To ensure we can extend our services to as many patients as possible, we kindly request your cooperation with our appointment policy.
Please make every effort to keep your appointments and arrive punctually. If unforeseen circumstances require you to cancel or reschedule, we ask that you notify our office at least one (1) business day in advance. For assistance with transportation or other challenges related to attending your appointment, our Community Health Worker is available to support you.
Canceling or rescheduling on the day of the appointment will be recorded as a “No-Show.”
Arriving more than fifteen (15) minutes late for medical appointments, fifteen (15) minutes for dental, or thirty (30) minutes for behavioral health appointments will also be considered a “No-Show.” We will attempt to accommodate you with an alternative appointment on the same day if available, otherwise, it may be necessary to reschedule for another date.
Accumulating three “No-Show” incidents within a specific department will result in a limitation to scheduling only same-day appointments for the following six months. Please note that a same-day appointment may not always be available and may require phone calls on multiple days to get an appointment.
By acknowledging this policy, you agree to its terms and our mutual commitment to providing timely and efficient healthcare services.
Depending on your healthcare insurance plan, you may need a referral from NSCHC in order to see a specialist or schedule a procedure, such as an x-ray or colonoscopy. You must schedule an appointment with the physician or facility and then call the Health Center for a referral. You will need to provide us with:
Your insurance identification number
The specialist's phone and fax number
The specialist's provider number
A referral request should be submitted at least one week prior to the appointment. NSCHC has a referral agreement with Allegheny Heath Network for uninsured or underinsured patients for services at a discounted rate.
Medical Records transfers to NSCHC
If you received medical treatment at another facility and would like your medical records transferred to NSCHC, you must complete a Release of Information Form in order for the North Side Christian Health Center to obtain your medical records from that facility. You will need to include the complete name, address and phone and fax number of the other facility, as well as the dates you were seen.
Transfers from NSCHC to Another Practice
If you request that your medical records be sent from the NSCHC to another physician or practice, you must sign a Release of Information Form instructing NSCHC what information you’re requesting and where to send.
Transfers from NSCHC to Non-Medical Facility
To obtain copies of your NSCHC records, for yourself or non-medical facility, complete a Release of Information Form. The fee for this service is $30.00.
Click here to download the Release of Information Form.