Makenzie Guy Named Clinical Site Manager at NVH Office
Makenzie Guy
Bethany Blackburn, NSCHC CEO, is excited to share that Makenzie Guy has accepted a new position as Clinical Site Manager at the NSCHC Northview Heights (NVH) office. She transitioned from Nurse Care Coordinator, a position she has held for the past three years, to this newly created position at the end of May. Establishing dedicated nursing care and operational oversight will allow NSCHC to care for patients at NVH on a more consistent basis. As she settled into her new role, Makenzie reflected on the providence that led her to this opportunity.
“To be given the opportunity to work out of our clinic at Northview Heights feels like one of those moments God has been preparing and shaping for you and you had no idea.” Makenzie goes on to say, “It wasn’t something on my radar, but now that I am here, I am bursting with energy and hope for this clinic! There is a laundry list of reasons to be so excited for this position, but I’m most excited to show up for this community in a way we, NSCHC, haven’t been able to since COVID.”
Her passion for serving the community was unmistakable. “A core value of my work as a nurse is my relationships with my patients,” she continued, her voice resonating with sincerity. “I believe everyone is made in the image of God and because of that, the human soul is seeking to be treated with dignity and love. I believe there is an innate goodness to all. I have grown to deeply care for our patients and their families and it is really an honor to be given the chance to work alongside them as they navigate their health, social needs, and life as a whole.”
The establishment of the satellite office in 2008 marked a pivotal step towards our mission, to provide whole-person primary health care to underserved persons on the Northside and surrounding neighborhoods. Makenzie's appointment to her new role was made possible by a generous grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, a testament to the collaborative efforts driving positive change within the community.