NSCHC Collaborates to Resume Food Box Program
NSCHC has collaborated with Pittsburgh Community Services, Inc. (PCSI) and the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (GPCFB) to restore the Food Box program for NSCHC patients. The Food Box program was started in the early days of the pandemic, but funding was depleted in early 2024. This much needed program has resumed due to this partner collaboration. The Food Box Program works to supplement diets and improve overall health with nutritious USDA-approved foods. Included in the box are a variety of canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, beans, cereal, pasta, bottled juice, shelf-stable milk, and canned meat.
Food boxes are distributed to patients who self-identify through the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) survey completed by all patients coming to NSCHC for health services. Once food insecurity is identified, the NSCHC Community Health Worker meets with the patient to provide the appropriate amount of food needed for the individual or family. No income eligibility requirements are necessary to receive the food box. Data is collected from the recipient anonymously and reported back to PCSI and the GPCFB monthly.
For more information about the program please inquire with the NSCHC Benefits Coordinator at 412-321-4001.
Dr. Dallas Malzi, NSCHC Chief Medical Officer, Shawn James, NSCHC Community Health Worker, Serena Jenkins, PCSI Program Operations Coordinator, and Carilynn Coulter, NSCHC Chief Operations Officer