Celebrating a Successful 2022

Bethany Blackburn

Bethany Blackburn, CEO

Dear Friends,

Given a successful federal site audit, several leadership transitions and hosting the first gala in two years, 2022 was a busy year at North Side Christian Health Center!  

Winter Epps, Finance Director

As I mark my first year anniversary as the CEO, I am delighted to welcome a new Finance Director, Winter Epps, a new Chief Operating Officer, Carilynn Coulter and a new HR Manager, Tesha Ellison.  Winter has a background in accounting and an MBA, has worked extensively in health care at both of Pittsburgh’s large health systems, and been a patient of North Side Christian Health Center (NSCHC) for the past 20 years. Carilynn started her career as a social worker, worked for over ten years in medical practice management and is bilingual in Spanish. Tesha, who holds two masters degrees from Carlow, brings extensive experience in health care and human resources.  

Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Health are all growing and hiring new providers to be able to see more patients sooner. NSCHC is currently on track to see at least 15% more unique patients than last year.  Additionally, NSCHC has begun recertifying for NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home, which recognizes health centers that provide accessible, high-quality and multidisciplinary care. In October, Dr. Cathy Sigmund was recognized for Innovation by the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers for her work to creatively reach many of the immigrant communities during the pandemic. In November, we were also the recipient of a DHS Health Equity grant, which provides critical funding to help NSCHC connect patients to resources beyond the health care they receive at NSCHC.  

Carilynn Coulter, COO

Our community was tragically in the spotlight multiple times this year for violent events which directly impacted some of our staff, patients and board members.  We pray for peace, for the victims and for their families.  We support Mayor Gainey’s Plan for Peace and will be active participants in addressing the causes and finding solutions to help make the neighborhood safe.  

During this holiday season, we give thanks for our blessings and pray that those struggling will find strength, joy and courage in 2023.  At North Side Christian Health Center we will always be here to provide compassionate care without judgement.  I thank the members of the Board of Directors, all the individual donors, communities of faith and our business and non-profit partners for another year of supporting NSCHC and its efforts to bring the best health care to the North Side community.

Tesha Ellison, HR Manager

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


Bethany Blackburn, MBA
Chief Executive Officer

Cyndy Tabor